![]() JESUS Wrecked My BBQ A few days ago I posted a video of delicious brisket I'd been cooking on my Traeger for hours. Our guests came over around 7pm and we started dishing up the food. A nice, relaxing night on the back patio with nothing to do but eat, talk and eat some more. The perfect BBQ! Until Jesus showed up... that's when everything changed. You know, those moments when you find yourself unexpectedly becoming Jesus hands and feet to someone in need? Those times where the ordinary suddenly becomes extraordinary? Those "divine appointments" you hear about people having? I was just about to take a bite when my phone alerted me to a text message. At first, I ignored the phone but when another came through I decided to check the message - "Can you come pray for my son?". We often make decisions in a church service or during our personal devotions that we're going to "start being available to Jesus". I've found the decisions we make in meetings or devotions aren't always the ones that really matter the most. The real decisions are made when we're fully engaged in our own lives and Jesus asks us to push the pause button and follow Him on an unexpected adventure. The decisions that cost us something we really don't want to give up; time, comfort, recreation or other priorities are the decisions that define our walk with Jesus. They're also the decisions that define Jesus to those we walk with and serve. Those inconvenient, unexpected and unprepared moments are the ones He loves to use us to show His love through. Sitting at the table with a plate full of slow-roasted brisket and some new dinner guests was one of those "decision" moments. Was her emergency really "my emergency"? Was her son's prayer need more important than our "fellowship" time...? At our church, the pastor has been preaching on God wanting our availability more than our ability. That's an exciting message on Sunday!!! Not quite as exciting when you're sitting around the table with your shoes off and a plate full of BBQ. I decided to cut the fellowship time short, jam the guys in my truck and head out to pray. Wow, am I glad we did! In order to protect privacy I won't tell you all of the details but what I can share is this - Our group of guys walked in on an 18-year-old wanting to commit suicide. The devil wanted his life and Jesus sent us there to bring the good news of hope through His sacrifice on the cross and His victory over death. Standing with my friends while he and his dad gave their lives to Jesus was amazing. Through the tears and the fears we saw the love of Jesus put each of their hearts back together. Despair was traded for hope, anger for forgiveness and death for life. We gave up our comfortable plans to be His hands and it was the best decision we could have ever made. How long has it been since you found yourself walking away from a moment and saying - Wow, that was a God thing! People need more than our profession of faith, they need our willingness to follow Jesus. To "be Jesus" in their time of need. Are you ready for your Jesus moment? Keep your ears open and when you hear Him calling, just get up and follow. It's really that easy. |
October 2024