Do you ever feel like your praying into outer space? Floating your words into the sky like runaway balloons? Do they go anywhere, do they matter, can God really hear me way up there? Let me share a little secret with you. The uncomfortable answer is NO. No, God doesn't hear you up there... According to the Bible He actually bends down close... stoops down to your level and personally takes interest in what you're saying. God hears your prayers up close and personal. He's in your space, not outer space. A truth that brings both comfort and discomfort. There's the comfort of knowing your prayers matter. They matter so much to God that he actually bends down from heaven, through the clouds, past the tall buildings, and past the crowds of people in Austin, Texas and right to your lips. You're tiny, and God bends down to hear your little voice as it shares your big problems with Him. Then there's the discomfort of knowing - HE'S IN YOUR SPACE!! Wow God, back up just a bit. I want you to hear my prayers but don't get so close that you see my flaws. I look better from a distance. Down here you'll see my temper, my insecurities, my selfishness and all my other blemishes. I kind of liked you better up there. We're more comfortable with God at a distance for the same reason we prefer text over phone calls, and phone calls over video calls. When you have flaws, distance = comfort. Praise God, He sees your blemishes and still wants to get close to you. He knows your shortcomings and still wants to hear your prayers. With God proximity = intimacy and that's what He's after. God is love. Not the flighty emotional love we often share as humans. His love is permanent and faithful - it's the "regardless" kind of love. He loves you regardless of your flaws, not because of your perfections. He loves you so much that He came down and walked the earth to know you, He died for you and rose again to break through the barrier of sin, faults, failures and flaws so that He could walk with you in a personal way. Besides all of this He now bends down to your little spot in Austin and listens to you. All you need to do is lift up your chin and talk to Him. You don't just have His attention, you have His affection. Pray with confidence. Your Father is eager to hear you. "Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!" Psalms 116:12 |
October 2024